How to quickly remove belly and flanks at home?

To get rid of a big belly wants, and men and women

Have you noticed on its flanks, and the life extra folds and you can close favorite pair of jeans? It's time to get fit: clean the stomach and to fight with a surplus of fat. How to quickly remove the stomach, and in a short time become the owner of a seductive form (or newspapers with 6 cubes, if you're a man)? In this article are a collection of the most effective abdominal exercises and tips on nutrition, because without a proper diet of flat stomach, you can forget it.

To get rid of a big belly wants, and men and women

7 simple tips for a beautiful life

Avoid stress

In situations of stress in the body, it increases the levels of cortisol – the hormone that the case of long periods of high rates favours the accumulation of fat on the belly. Use proven tools for calming: valerian extract, motherwort, teach your loved ones to a relaxing massage.

Positive emotions allow you to fix

Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages

Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages

Alcohol also increases the amount of cortisol and favors the appearance of fat deposits in the area of the waist. In addition, during the intake of alcohol it becomes difficult to control the hunger.

To remove the belly, it is worth to give up alcohol

Particularly dangerous beer, which contains phytoestrogens, also favoring the deposition of fat. Have you looked at the so-called "bellies" of beer? If you decide to fight for the life thin, the beer is better to eliminate completely from the diet. The same is true for the "club" cocktails such as pina coladas or a mojito – they have a lot of sugar. If the intake of alcohol to avoid drinking dry white wine.

Eliminate from the diet the high-calorie foods

Alas, otherwise, worse, do not delete. If you want to remove excess fat on the hips and belly, it is worth to sit on a diet a couple of weeks .

Remember: to lose weight, you must consume more calories than you consume. To get rid of 1 pound, you need to create in the body a deficiency of 7000 calories. Perhaps, the most easy will be more easy to get rid of a hearty dinner, rather than run to the park three hours.

Less starch, more fibre

The diet should include the most of the red and green vegetables, but be careful, they had no starch. The fiber contained in vegetables helps to reduce the weight. Its fiber will fill the stomach, and the man will not feel hungry. Also diversify your diet wild or brown rice, meat, poultry, and fish.

Slimming lean for vegetables
Slimming lean for vegetables

Make a list of stop-products

Zero from the diet, any meat cooked on the fire – to cook in the steam. Forget fast food, chips, and crackers, smoothies, ice-cream – instead-prepared diet snack: slices of carrots or green apples, and fresh berries.

If you are thirsty, drink simple water: in general-a one litre bottle of green tea contains about 135 calories, lemonade has the same volume contains more than 200 kcal. Itself coca-cola will not lead to obesity, as narrated by the popular myth soda, but for those who want to lose weight, it is better to give up.

Not all fruits are equally useful

Avoid fruit with a high content of fructose, which "feeds" the liver glycogen and only the strongest to whet your appetite: pomegranate, cherry, grapes (without seeds), banana, watermelon, pear, dried fruit: raisins, apricots, figs, mango.

Drink plenty of water

During the day, drink at least 2 litres of water. The water "pushes" the metabolism, eliminates the waste products and toxins. And in terms of metabolism getting rid of fat is almost impossible. If it does not work the excretory system – take diuretics taxes. To remove the belly fat, the spare water must be very active.

Unfortunately, all of these actions are useless without exercise. To quickly remove the belly fat and tone the muscles, it is necessary every day to do two simple exercises: spin the circle and download print.

Exercises with the circle

The lesson starts with envelope – so you prepare your abdominal muscles for abdominal exercises.

Daily 10-minute drive to the complex, the circle will improve the blood circulation and the metabolism, normalizes the flow of lymph in areas of concern (and this is indispensable in the fight with the sides and the cellulite). 10 minutes of twisting of the casing burned about 100 calories. With time, the duration of exercise: "circle", it is possible to increase up to 30 minutes.

It is desirable for the wrap slimming is equipped with massage balls. Because of these first few workouts can be painful, so for a start it is better to move life coating on the fabric belt, otherwise you are likely to earn the bruises. For beginners it is better to pay attention to the easy wheels of weight less than 1.5 kg.

If you just rotate the circle is too boring, we offer you a video with a complex of exercises designed to improve the overall tone.

After the warm-up with wrap to go to the abdominal exercises.

Abdominal exercises. Basic

Important! If you download the printing, no need to follow a strict diet, then it will get the opposite effect: the abdominal muscles are increased, and visually only will increase the belly.

When torquenti not too high raise the body, it is sufficient to climb at 45 degrees from the floor. Press your chin to your neck is not worth the effort as and straining the neck: the crane must be made to the load of the abdominal muscles.

For the breathing, increase the body must be made during the EXPIRATION.

It is important to perform the exercises at least until the so-called sense of "burning sensation": from that moment on, the printing starts to pump. Each such approach – its weight in gold.

After training again for 10 minutes, turn the circle to secure the result.

How to remove belly fat at home?

There are specially designed complex exercises for a flat stomach, that is easy to perform at home and achieve excellent results. Collection of exercises, that meets all of the muscle groups in the abdomen.

Exercise 1

Collection of exercises

Starting position – lying on his back, hands behind his head. Lift the body and simultaneously pull your knees up to your chest, while the heel towards the buttocks. The strongest possible pull inside the belly. Straighten one leg (it stays in weight), and the knee of the other leg pull the elbow of the opposite. Then the other knee – at another elbow. Such approaches do 20.

Exercise 2

Starting position – on his side, legs slightly bent at the knee. Lying on the left side, right side screw a bit of the body around its axis. Stretch the hands, the soles of the feet, while the snatch from the floor, the knees and the shoulder blades. Maintain the position for a minute. Then do the same exercise, lying on the other side. Do 20 approaches.

Exercise 3

Starting position – on your back, legs bent, resting on the floor, back against the floor, arms along the body. During expiration, the maximum lift the pelvis up and pull the belly. Maintain the position for 30-40 seconds. Slowly lower the pelvis on the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Exercise 4

Starting position – on your back

Starting position – on your back, knees tight to the chest, hands divorced in hand, the palm of the hand pressed to the ground. A little lift to the buttocks and the thighs move it to the right, the knees hold together, without dropping on the floor. Returning to the starting position, repeat the same operation on the opposite side. Do 20 approaches.

Exercise 5

Starting position – on your back, legs bent at the knee.The knees from side to side, and the hands – in another. In this way, you twirl the body in opposite directions. Then repeat the exercise, put in the knee from the other side, and hands in the opposite direction. Do 20 exercises.

Exercise recommended to all those who would like to reduce your weight without any health risks, including young mothers.

How to remove belly?

One of the most problematic many women is considered to be the lower abdomen. What exercises help to restore the elasticity of the lower abdomen?

Traditional exercises, the lower part of the press: the climb the vertical legs from the position – lying on the back; the lift to the upper basin with a contemporary rise to the top of the legs, and the tailbone is detached from the floor.

The most common mistake: lifting help walking, that leads to the load on the hip joints and muscles of the legs and not on the print.

Your goal is not only to raise the foot, and to process and pull exactly the lower abdominal muscles, that is the great necessary work of the muscles of the pelvis. When performing the exercises, focus on this, you will feel a burning sensation in the lower abdomen – this is the result of muscle work.

Following the directions and after 1.5 months the newly formed abdominal muscles will be well to keep the abdominal wall. Over the flat stomach, you will earn and lovely life for her to meet the same muscle groups.

Expander for printing

Expander for printing

If you want to get results more quickly, it is possible to include in a program of exercises with the elastic. Their dignity is the inclusion in the work of different muscle groups.

Thus, it enjoys great popularity elasticated trainer for the printing, that allows you to make your abdomen elastic and in the form, and at the same time to strengthen the muscles of the back, legs and buttocks, freeing the spine of a bad load.

Exercise 1

Lie down on the floor and attach the legs. The hands grab for his arm and staring at his chest. Raise your legs to an angle of 90 degrees, while pulling the handle toward you. Do not immerse the feet on the floor until the end, leave about 5-6 inches to the floor. The exercise is good for the upper part of the press.

Exercise 2

Sit on the floor and straighten the legs. Holding his arm, slowly removed is, until the head reaches the floor, then return to the starting position. The exercise is good pumps in the bottom of the print.

Exercise 3

During exhalation at the same time lift the upper part of the body and bend the knee of the leg

During exhalation at the same time lift the upper part of the body and bend the knees with the legs, moving closer and closer to him the arm.

But let's not forget sports and proper nutrition. Why the flat belly is a way of life. Only regular exercise and a well composed diet will help you maintain the result obtained.